PDI Sani-Cloth Prime Germicidal Wipes - 160 Large - Sanitizing wipes. Our convenient sanitizing protocol makes employee training and compliance a breeze in your operation. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for PDI PROFESSIONAL SANI-CLOTH 200 Wipes at the best online prices at eBay. our pre-measured, pre-moistened sanitizing wipes consistently deliver the right amount of active ingredient in every wipe (no rinsing required!) plus, they're disposable, so you have peace of mind knowing you're actively preventing cross-contamination. coli, staphylococcus aureus and shigella boydii. The wait for a no-rinse sanitizing wipe effective against listeria is over new sani Professional® no-rinse sanitizing multi-surface wipes (formerly Sani-Wipe® ) kill 99.999% of listeria monocytogenes in just 60 sec in addition to other common food borne pathogens such as E. At Country Clean Paper Supplies we sell some of the best priced Sani Professional Products P56784 in all of Monmouth and Ocean Counties and the Tri State. Single-use, disposable wipes for easy cleaning and sanitizing. Ensure staff compliance by making sure hands are kept. The battle against listeria is a serious one and this small germ can ruin your business. Sani Professional No-Rinse Sanitizing Multi-Surface Surface Cleaner / Sanitizer Premoistened Alcohol Based Manual Pull Wipe 95 Count Canister Disposable. Brand: Sani Professional 22 ratings 5919 (59.19 / Count) About this item Sold as 6/Carton. Promote hand hygiene compliance in your facility with Sani Professional Hands Instant Sanitizing Wipes.